These reflections were shared by NORCAN students, teachers and school leaders after watching the video Birds on a Wire. The activity called for participants to reflect on a time they had felt like a Bird on a Wire,
As the first three years of our NORCAN learning come to a close, we have interviewed members of our board community and asked them to reflect on the impact of NORCAN on our school community. Our Supervisory Officer in charge of Teaching and Learning
This week, Team Pereyma NORCAN members joined teachers and students from four other schools in Durham Catholic District School Board to participate in the DCDSB Board-wide Math Council kick-off! A highlight of the day was an online MathsJam and shar
Last week, Tecumseh Vista had the pleasure of hosting students and teachers from Olds high school in Alberta. The students picked up their relationships like it was just last week we visited them in Alberta. The visit began with Olds students
Let’s Get Over 1 Million Students Engaging in Joyous Math!
If you’ve ever checked out my 3 act math tasks, you will quickly notice that I am all about sparking curiosity in order to fuel sense making for our students. Well, Exploding Dots nails the cu
Hello NORCAN friends! I hope that you all enjoyed a great summer. The Pereyma team was very fortunate to travel to Norway in late August to continue our work with our dear friends from Molde. During our time there, we planned with our colleagues, vis
I hope all is well on your end! Busy times here in the "Deep South" of Ontario.
Craig and I just finished compiling and editing a video that we will be sharing next Thursday at an Ontario Ministry of Education Renewed Math Strategy session
Hope this email finds you doing well on this beautiful first day of June!
I wanted to take an opportunity to share a Math Challenge we given to our district and across Canada - however, we'd love for some Norway participation!
After your visit to Tecumseh Vista, some of you were asking how to go about setting up a Math Council. This has been a collaboration of all the students and teachers on math council. Sorry it took so long but here are the steps that we took along
The other day I was sitting with a group of adults and I used my fingers to explain a concept we were talking about. I was told that, as a math teacher, it seemed pretty sad that I was using my fingers to do a math problem. My reply was that using
In keeping with our NORCAN learning, our school community has begun piloting full-day learning events. We first heard about Fag Dag when we connected with colleagues in Molde, Norway. We hypothesize that challenge-based learni
Team Pereyma would like to extend warm thanks to our Drammen friends for the warmth and hospitality they extended to us during our August visit! We also extend genuine thanks to Roar Grottvik for his kindness and support during our visit. We sincerel
Team Pereyma would like to extend warm thanks to our Molde NORCAN friends for the warmth and hospitality they extended to us on our visit. We truly appreciated them giving their own personal time to meet with us during their summer break and the fir
Special thanks to @john_Scammel for bringing up the research by Peter Liljedahl from Simon Fraser University about Vertical, Non-Permanent Surfaces in math class. I have been using this strategy in my classroom for about 18 months and really notice a
When we were in Drammen we talked about 3-act math tasks. I don't use these all the time in my classes but I try to use them as often as I can because students are so engaged and they develop their mathematical thinking and problem solving skills. I