3-Act Math Tasks & Lesson Ideas

When we were in Drammen we talked about 3-act math tasks. I don't use these all the time in my classes but I try to use them as often as I can because students are so engaged and they develop their mathematical thinking and problem solving skills. I also think students are given the chance to develop many competencies that support mathematical learning: Communication, making connections, mental math and estimation, problem-solving, reasoning, using technology and visualization (from the Alberta K-9 Program of Studies) In the United States, these competencies are listed as the 8 Mathematical Practice Standards.

Many of the 3-Act authors are from the United States so they refer to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Initiative. Here is a link to the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

I have never believed that education should be a 'for profit' venture. I am grateful that these people (and many more) share their ideas, resources and suggestions freely and openly. Together we are becoming stronger math educators and helping more students be successful mathematically :-)

Do you have other great resources with these types of activities?

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  • Here is a norwegian example of something similar: http://www.skoleipraksis.no/matematikk-8-10/filmer/problemlosing/ I soled this one with my previous group of students they enjoyed it, but I think both students and teachers need to practice working with tasks like this. 

    I had not heard the term 3-act math tasks before NORCAN, but is starting to think that there are some similarities to so-called open tasks or rich tasks. 

    Currently I am thinking about doing the "Pencil Cup" task, is it realistic to aim at solving it in 60 min?

    • Jan, I am trying to find the 'Pencil Cup' task but can't see it. Would you have a direct link to it? Thanks :-)

    • Here is the link: https://vimeo.com/album/2014533 

      Did the task to day. Some good solutions, but my students and I do have some major room for improvement . 

  • Great list of resources! Thanks for sharing out my catalogue as well... always love making some interesting tasks!

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