Wow, what a day. My head is spinning with all the ideas. I can't write fast enough to keep up with the thoughts that are coming in. Interesting ideas about linking different projects from one math class to another (Thanks, Jesse.). The importance of developing relationships with students, we don't always know the affect we have on students (Thanks, Kyle). Students worry about tests and quizzes and it can affect their mindset (Thanks, Alex and Pereyma). I think I just need to "invest in the experience" and keep journaling my ideas. There is so much going on and it is such an opportunity to be able to spend time with like minded people, experiencing their enthusiasm and dedication.
Confidence - How easily do the students give up, and what do the teachers do about it? How do students indicate that they are giving up?
Student Engagement - How do the students involve themselves in the lesson? What does it look like.
Expectations - What are the classroom expectations in Ontario? Are they similar to Alberta?
School Culture - Do students have voice? If students have ideas, how do they make those come to life? Is it teacher-led or student-led? How are we leveraging student voice?
Best Practices - What are the best practices the teachers are using in their classrooms?
Testing - How are high stakes tests affecting student confidence and teacher practice?
How much competition is in the class? How is competition used to motivate kids to learn?
How much of a role do students have in how they learn? Maham (student)
Questions from Børresen
Use of ICT in class and how it is in use
Is it variety in the lessons?
Are the students physically active in their class?
What kind of activities do they have in classroom?
Is it allowed to discuss with the teacher?
How much concretes are used in lesson?
How much of the lesson is lead by the teachers?
Goal for the lesson?
How is it communicated
Do the students know what to do?
How is lessons organized?
How is the relationship between teacher – student and between student- student
From Jasper Place Group
Confidence - How easily do the students give up, and what do the teachers do about it? How do students indicate that they are giving up?
Student Engagement - How do the students involve themselves in the lesson? What does it look like.
Expectations - What are the classroom expectations in Ontario? Are they similar to Alberta?
School Culture - Do students have voice? If students have ideas, how do they make those come to life? Is it teacher-led or student-led? How are we leveraging student voice?
Best Practices - What are the best practices the teachers are using in their classrooms?
Testing - How are high stakes tests affecting student confidence and teacher practice?
Ideas from group sharing with Dennis and Mona
What we see (observations) - also our "wonders"
Mindful of our role as colleagues
Thinking about the "why"
Reflecting on the implications for us as teachers and students - personalizing the learning via observation
Goal setting conversations prior to observation and then capturing how feelings towards math have changed (pre / post)
Seeing the experience through the lens of your experiences - being open to different ways of learning
Thinking about "beyond the classroom" (e.g., school life, routines, school climate)
How students are assessed in mathematics?
How much of a role do students have in how they learn? Maham (student)