Hello NORCAN friends,
In keeping with our NORCAN learning, our school community has begun piloting full-day learning events. We first heard about Fag Dag when we connected with colleagues in Molde, Norway. We hypothesize that challenge-based learning, supported by full-day learning events, will increase the engagement of students in our classrooms and promote thinking and inquiry, as well as growth mindset. Certainly, when our students see their teachers challenged to augment their teaching practice in such a way, and realize that we are learning along with them and using their feedback to improve our practice, there is no better way to model for our students how to learn from one's mistakes! To be completely honest, I found this learning event to be an immense challenge. It was difficult for me to acknowledge and manage the fact that I could not control and/or anticipate all aspects of the unfolding day. But when some students told me that this was the best day of school they had ever experienced, my opinion of the event changed significantly. It looks like more full-day learning lies in my future! :)
During the month of November, Pereyma students remember the Canadians that have served our country. Many of our students are also preparing to travel to Vimy Ridge, France for the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. As such, we felt it appropriate to bring together History, Math and Science during our first full-day learning event. The class that we chose to work with is a 1:1 iPad-supported environment. As such, the task documents were organized into an iTunes U course. Here is the link/enrollment code for this course:
We thought you might also be interested in seeing a learning artefact produced by a team of Pereyma students:
We are looking forward to continuing our learning journey!
Hi Leanne,
That sounds really awesome! Looking forward to learning more about this!!
Thanks to our Norwegian colleagues for sending along this photo of Team Molde viewing learning artefacts created by Pereyma students as a result of a full-day Challenge Based Learning task undertaken during our face-to-face collaboration time in early November. Pereyma students were amazed to see their Norwegian teachers watching their presentation IN NORWAY!!! The upper case letters allude to the excitement with which this information was received by students. Pereyma students are very thankful for the feedback that they received from their Molde teachers.
Sorry everyone. I'm a little slow off the mark this morning. I should have embedded links to the sites. Here they are:
Link to Student Artefact
Link to Vimy Ridge iTunes U course