Hello NORCAN friends!
I thought I would share what's happening here at Pereyma! We are continuing to build community with our extended Pereyma Math learning team. This team includes the four staff members that travelled to Norway in October along with eight other teachers. At our first full team meeting last week, it was clear that all team members are eager to collaborate and strive to improve teaching practice together. How exciting! We are busy planning for our first in-class inquiry/team-teaching session that is scheduled to take place in early December. During this session, we plan to develop and implement a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) task in a Grade 9 Math class. And we will see what happens next... That's the beauty of this type of inquiry and learning! At this point, we believe that STEM tasks will provide an impetus to further change our assessment practices. We are thankful to Siv Vestneshagen from Molde who has shared some of her assessment practices with us. We are looking forward to learning more with and from Siv!
Here in the 'Shwa this week, students have been exploring different ways that technology can be used to describe and share their thinking. Students are combining hands-on manipulatives and movement models to describe their thinking when working with integers. We plan to share these student-generated learning artefacts with the Grade 7 and 8 students at our school, and are hopeful that some of our Albertan and Norwegian classmates may want to see them as well. Here are some photos of my students at work: