Hi Friends,

As I type this, the Vista NorCan Team is meeting with a group of eight secondary students who have formed to create "Learning Council" as a grade 9 to 12 extension of the Math Council that grew so successfully on the elementary side of the school over the past 18 months. 

With the focus being on student voice across the curriculum, this team of students is working on how to build a stronger teacher-student relationship as a whole to maximize student learning. 

Right now, students are working on an open response survey question they intend to ask the student population in the coming days. Currently, the first two questions sound something like this:

1) What opportunities in class/school do you have to share how you learn best?

2) What are some ideas that would allow your voice to be better heard? 

Very exciting to see the ideas come together and watching students lead the direction of their council. It is great to finally start seeing what Paul Bisson saw all along with this structure for bringing student voice to the table. 

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