Hello my NorCan-ian Friends!
I hope all of you have arrived to your homeland safely to reunite with family and friends - especially those from Fort McMurray.
Reflecting back on the week, I have realized that our learning is ongoing and will never stop unless we allow it to. The 6 weeks of planning meetings prior to welcoming the group to Tecumseh Vista Academy really distracted me from the great work that is happening throughout this project. Coming together with teams across the project, it is clear that we are all making steps in the right direction towards creating an equitable experience for all students in mathematics.
While each team is learning from the other NorCan schools, I find it astonishing how much we can all learn from others on the same team throughout the process if we are open to it. My big takeaways include the importance of student voice and Paul's dedication to ensuring that we hear that voice. I've also learned through watching Jim lead a session that facilitating discussion is more about building relationships and promoting discussion amongst the group by asking better questions.
These are two areas I would like to focus on over the next several months as we look down the road to the next time we all come together.
Thank you all for the great learning and relationships. You are all an exceptional group of educators.