NorCan Project 2016 by Kristian, Alex, and Noah
Engagement: Teacher, Student, Parent
Peer Support, Technology and Engagement by Dané, Ranbir, Paul and Edvard
Math Study Group by Noah, Diego, Rudolf and Noel
Growth Mindset by Craig, John, Chri
NorCan Project 2016 by Kristian, Alex, and Noah
Engagement: Teacher, Student, Parent
Peer Support, Technology and Engagement by Dané, Ranbir, Paul and Edvard
Math Study Group by Noah, Diego, Rudolf and Noel
Growth Mindset by Craig, John, Chri
There has been a lot of math activity going on at TVA in the last month. In my own classroom I had one of those teaching moments where you look at your students and say to yourself, "
wow, they really got it". Not only have my students "gotten